
Subscribe to learn about design, technology, and art. We'll do our best to inspire you to create, make or learn something new! You can expect posts about science, open source projects, productivity tips and startup awesomeness.
Aug 1
Aug 1

The Song of a Chinese Bitcoin Mine

The deeper into the building I walked, the more powerful the gust became, coming from behind me and rushing past, across the giant warehouse floor full of machines. The Coinsman has a great write up on the inner workings of a Chinese bitcoin mine. Check out the pictures then head over to The Coinsman for the […]

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Aug 0
Aug 0

Cinemagraph Gif How-To

In this Tutorial I’m going to teach you how easy it is to make a gif from any video source. I’ve always thought cinemagraphs (cinematic infinite looped gif) were really cool and I’ve been using them as my Android wallpaper for the past year (you can do the same with the free app in the […]

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Jul 0
Jul 0

How To: VZ Panel – Reflective Safety Panel

The VZ Panel is a cool safety device I made and have been developing on and off over the last year or two. The project started with a discarded sheet of 3M roll up sign material. There was a lot of road construction around my building and I was lucky enough to find two of […]

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Jul 0
Jul 0

The Open Hardware Company – A Social Startup

Our Mission: To boldly go where open hardware has never gone before We make open hardware that helps people. We manufacture products at scale in a way that nurtures the environment. We will grow this idea from seed to fruit. We don’t claim perfection but a pilot program to engage discussion around better practices in manufacturing, […]

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Jul 0
Jul 0

Unified Theories

Let the image of the isometric vector matrix embed itself in your minds eye. It is hypothesized by theoretical physicist Nassim Haramein to be the underlying fractal structure of our universe. In the search for a ‘unified theory of everything’ string theorists and supersymmetry proponents joust with traditionalists and quantum theorists over what direction theoretical […]

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